Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why did I choose this title?

CTRL-C from my Brain on 10/01/2008:

CTRL-V: Well, HELLO WORLD!!! This phrase is very popular for any Computer Engineers from the 70's and 80's. Some of the ones from the 90's and 2000's might have read or even studied about this phrase, but have no real appreciation for it's meaning. This phrase served as the introduction to many of today's software applications during it's programming and testing. YES, sir! Hello World, in this instance means: "Alex is here!" I'm ready, after 30 years of my existence, to start blogging about my ideals, my thoughts, and my experiences.

"Copy, Paste" has always been part of my daily life. As a computer engineer, you get to work on a lot of different projects that require you to do just that, copy and then paste. Well, My brain is always working at full speed; even when I'm not even realizing it, my brain is processing information that I received throughout the whole day. Something I left undone, or something I didn't figure out, it will linger in my brain until it can be resolved. I see it as a troubleshooting ticketing system, that changes status on different tickets as events are put into them. The ticket will not disappear from your workspace until it has been set to "resolved", "closed", or "Completed." The same way my brain will not stop processing a thought until it tags it as resolved or completed. I never thought blogging was for me, because it takes a blogger time to write their blogs; time that I didn't have. But I realize after reading my sister's blogs (The Neny Fragments) that you have to make time to let your brain rest for a bit.

By "Copying" the thoughts from my brain, and "Pasting" them into this blog, I'm allowing my brain to take some time out and rest. This will ultimately benefit me in the long run, as I will have a public archive of my thoughts, which I can refer to if I ever need to remember something that my brain has forgotten.

We all age, some faster than others, but we all age with time. As we age our brains become less and less agile, and memories begin to fade away. For people like my sister, and myself, this will be catastrophic! We love to re-live those moments that shaped our lives to what they are today, and if we have no way of recording it somewhere and just leave it to our brains to remember, we are in big trouble. Therefore I decided to take this "Copy, Paste" ideology to heart, and begin a new journey into the blogging world.

Hence, World get ready! My brain is as complex as they come, and I know that you will enjoy my pasted thoughts, for as long as my brain can produce them.


1 comment:

Nenygq said...

Brother! Welcome to BLOGgin world ;) I'm so excited to have another blog to 'follow' and I love it that it is you that I will be READING. Even more, I'm so hyped about having had something to do with you starting one! YEY! I love the whole COPY, PASTE concept! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT :P so creative...and so YOU! Can't wait to read more of your 'pastings'!